
Are you a modern-day Esther?

"Who knows whether you have not come to this kingdom for such a time as this?"
Mordecai to Esther, Esther 4:14

"Her husband married her for her looks. Nothing more. She was allowed to speak only when spoken to. She had no important contacts, no education, and no money of her own.

The one thing she had going for her? Confidence in herself and in what God could do through her. The confidence to plan, to take a calculated risk, to act decisively. When her opportunity arose, she spoke up persuasively. So persuasively, in fact, that she saved a nation. I'm talking about Queen Esther, who saved the Jewish nation in 483 b.c.

The only difference between biblical Queen Esther and us or our friends is the unique situation God places us in and the actions we take."

From The Esther Effect by Dianna Booher (W Publishing/Thomas Nelson)


Upcoming ECW Annual Meetings

South Carolina ECW - St. Philip's, Charleston - Saturday, April 24, 2004
Georgia ECW - Christ Church, St. Simon's Island - April 30 to May 1, 2004
Louisiana ECW - Baton Rouge - Saturday, May 1, 2004
East Carolina ECW - St. Mary's, Kinston - May 4, 2004

New ECW Website

It was a challenge for me to locate the new ECW site on ECUSA's brand new website, but here it is -- click on Episcopal Church Women Also, Province IV has a new area within the new ECUSA website -- you can find it at Province IV


Province IV Women's Conference, June 7-9, 2004

Hearing the Father's Call: Using Our Gifts for Mission and Ministry

The Province IV Women's Conference, co-sponsored by Kanuga and the Episcopal Church Women, is set for June 7-9 at Kanuga Conference Center in the mountains of western North Carolina. This annual conference is for all women and their guests, and is the first in a three-year series on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Keynoter Mary M. MacGregor works for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas as Director of Leadership Development, training church leaders with new initiatives and creative approaches. She has been involved in congregational development and particularly women’s ministries for over 20 years and is best known for high energy, engaging presentations. Much in demand, Mary MacGregor has spoken in 39 dioceses and over 100 churches. She has been the keynote speaker at clergy conferences, diocesan conventions, and at the 2000 Episcopal Church Women’s Triennial meeting in Denver.

This year's conference chaplain will be the Reverend Jennie Olbrych, rector of St. Peter and St. John in Charleston, South Carolina. Music leaders will be Susan Clarkson Keller (sister of Jennie) and Joanna Macmurphy. This conference is coordinated by Lydia Evans (843-722-7116, lydiaevans@comcast.net).

Once again, Kanuga will offer an Optional Play Day for those who wish to arrive on Sunday, June 6 to enjoy Kanuga and have time together.

Register online at Kanuga Conferences, Province IV Women's Conference

Cost: $245 per person (program, double occupancy lodging, meals, recreational facilities) $295 single occupancy (as available), $140 non-participating spouse. Commuting residents of Henderson and bordering North Carolina counties, $145 includes lunch, supper. Youth (10-18) $99 and children (3-9) $79, both with limited program assuming sufficient demand; under 3, no charge and no program; babysitter accompanying you, $69. $50 deposit per person, non-refundable. Balance due May 7. After that send check or Visa or MasterCard for the full amount. Check-in 4-6 p.m., ends with breakfast. Optional Play Day add $49 per person, double or single occupancy, 4-6 p.m. check-in. Play Day participants may be asked to change lodging on June 7.

(Kanuga hosts the Province IV Altar Guild June 6-9. For details contact Jan B. Smith, 423 Cheyenne Ln., Madison, MS 39110; telephone 601-856-1847, email janbollssmith@yahoo.com.)


A Collect for the Season

Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross that everyone might come within the reach of your saving embrace: So clothe us in your Spirit that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may bring those who do not know you
to the knowledge and love of you; for the honor of your Name. Amen.


In Honor of St. Patrick

When I think of St. Patrick, I remember this hymn often sung at ordinations. To listen, go to St. Patrick's Breastplate